FHI 360, Vacancy Opportunity

Filed in Others Jobs by on June 22, 2024 0 Comments

FHI 360 is a leading non-profit organization that operates in Tanzania and around the world, focusing on improving lives through integrated, evidence-driven development and public health programs. With a presence in Tanzania for several years, FHI 360 has played a crucial role in implementing projects aimed at addressing various health and development challenges in the country.

FHI 360 Tanzania works in collaboration with local partners, government agencies, and communities to design and implement innovative solutions that promote health,  education, economic empowerment, and social well-being. One of FHI 360 Tanzania’s notable contributions has been in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention and care. The organization has implemented programs to increase awareness.


provide testing and counseling services, and ensure access to antiretroviral therapy for those living with HIV. FHI 360 Tanzania has been actively involved in promoting family planning and reproductive health services, empowering women and girls, and strengthening health systems to improve overall health outcomes. 

FHI 360, Vacancy Opportunity

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