UTUMISHI (SMZ), Vacancies Opportunities
The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar has signed an agreement with the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to work together in fighting corruption and serious organised crime through the implementation of the Building Sustainable Anti-Corruption Action in Tanzania Programme (BSAAT). BSAAT is co-financed by the European Union (EU), through the UK.
To deliver this programme, a Programme Delivery Team will be created by the President’s Office- Constitution, Legal Affairs, Public Service and Good Governance (PO-CLAPSGG) to coordinate the implementation process involving multiple beneficiary institutions. The Team will be led by a Coordinator and staffed by two officers: a planning and Finance Officer and a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer.
The aims of the programme are aligned with the strategic objectives that are being implemented by the Zanzibar Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Authority (ZAECA) to combat corruption as well as the objectives of the Serious Organised Crime Project which the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar is implementing in collaboration with the UNDP to fight against serious organised crime.
UTUMISHI (SMZ), Vacancies Opportunities
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