Isihaka Yunus
Isihaka Yunus's Latest Posts
New Vacancy At YCI Tanzania
Youth Challenge International (YCI Tanzania) is a leading global youth development organization that promotes youth innovation to drive positive change. Together with our partners we create market ready solutions that catapult youth around the world to succeed and prosper we are driven by youth and their potential to affect positive change in the world. Our solutions are […]
New Vacancy At Akiba Commercial Bank
Akiba Commercial Bank Plc (ACB) commenced banking operations in August 1997 as an initiative of over 300 Tanzanian entrepreneurs who were inspired to move into micro-finance, by the moral and economical concern for the light of millions of Tanzanians. These founding members were bound together by a strong conviction that in Akiba Commercial Bank Vacancy they will […]
New Vacancy At Jubilee Life Insurance Tanzania
The Jubilee Life Insurance Tanzania is the first private insurance company to be established in Tanzania following liberalisation of the financial sector in 1998. Jubilee Tanzania is part of the Jubilee Insurance Group operating in East Africa. The Group is one of the oldest and highly reputed enterprises in East Africa as part of the […]
New Vacancies At TCCIA
Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA Vacancies) is a private sector association which was established in 1988 with the support of the Tanzanian Government to strengthen the private sector. The establishment of the TCCIA was an important step as the Government was moving from centralized, planned economy towards a more open, mixed economy […]
New Vacancies At Kilimo Trust
as a research entity and grant-giving organization to support research that connected science with farmers. At that time, the Trust was funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (GCF) which was founded by Lord David Sainsbury in 1967 to support multiple projects in Africa and Asia. Over the past 20 years, The company has built a […]
New Vacancy At CIAT Tanzania
The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT Tanzania has been operating in Tanzania since the mid-1980s, hosted by the Tanzania Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) under the Ministry of Agriculture at the Selian station outside of Arusha. To-date, our activities in Tanzania have principally aligned around common bean breeding, seed systems, forages, soil, value chains and digital […]
Job opportunities at Geological Survey Of Tanzania (GST)
The Geological Survey Of Tanzania (GST) was established in 1925 by the British Overseas Management Authority (BOMA) administration under the name of Geological Survey Department (GSD) as an independent governmental department. The primary objective was to speed up development of mineral resources of the Tanganyika Territory. In April 1926, the headquarters of GSD was set up in […]
Job Opportunities at NMB Bank
We have over 3000 employees coming together from all walks of life, offering various expertise to bring forth the best customer experience through our financial solutions. Like any group of people brought together to achieve a common goal in unity. NMB employees share a set of core values namely Integrity, Compliance, Customer Focus, Team Work […]
Job Opportunities at Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)
Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) is the national standards body for Tanzania established by the government as part of the efforts to strengthen the supportive infrastructure for industry and commerce sectors across the economy within the country. The Bureau was established by Parliamentary Act No. 3 of 1975 as the National Standards Institute and became operational on […]
Job Opportunities at RITA
Trusteeship Agency (RITA) aims at effective and efficient management of information on key life events, incorporation of trustees, safeguarding properties under trust, of deceased persons, insolvents, and minors to enable the law to take its course. RITA was officially launched on the 23rd June 2006 and replaces what was known as the Administrator Generals Department […]