Parapsychology Degree Online: Your Guide to Pursuing a Career in the Paranormal

Parapsychology Degree Online; Parapsychology is a field of study that deals with the investigation of paranormal phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis. It is a controversial subject that has been debated for decades, but there is a growing interest in the field. Many people are interested in pursuing a degree in parapsychology, but they may not have the time or resources to attend a traditional university. Fortunately, there are online programs available that offer parapsychology degrees.

Online parapsychology degree programs are designed for students who are interested in exploring the mysteries of the paranormal. These programs provide students with a comprehensive understanding of parapsychology, including the history of the field, current research, and theories about paranormal phenomena. Students will learn about the scientific methods used to investigate paranormal phenomena and how to critically evaluate evidence.

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One of the benefits of pursuing an online parapsychology degree is the flexibility it offers. Students can study at their own pace and on their own schedule. They can also save money on tuition and other expenses associated with attending a traditional university. With the increasing popularity of parapsychology, there is a growing demand for professionals in the field. Graduates of online parapsychology degree programs can pursue careers in research, education, and counseling.

Understanding Parapsychology: Parapsychology Degree Online

Parapsychology is a field of study that investigates paranormal or psychic phenomena. It includes the study of mental abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis. Parapsychologists aim to test the existence and causes of these phenomena through scientific research and experimentation.

Parapsychology is a controversial field, with some scientists and skeptics dismissing it as pseudoscience. However, there are also many researchers who believe that parapsychology has the potential to uncover important truths about the nature of consciousness and the universe.

One of the key challenges facing parapsychologists is the difficulty of designing experiments that can reliably test the existence of paranormal phenomena. Many of these phenomena are subjective and difficult to measure, and there is often a high degree of individual variation in people\’s abilities to demonstrate them.

Despite these challenges, there have been many notable experiments in parapsychology that have produced intriguing results. For example, some studies have suggested that people may be able to influence the outcome of random events through their thoughts or intentions.

Overall, parapsychology remains a controversial and highly debated field of study. However, for those who are interested in exploring the mysteries of the human mind and the universe, it can be a fascinating and rewarding area of research.

Online Degree in Parapsychology

Parapsychology is the study of paranormal phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and near-death experiences. It is a fascinating field of study that is gaining popularity among students who are interested in exploring the unexplained. With the advancement of technology, it is now possible to earn a degree in parapsychology online.

Course Structure

Online parapsychology degree programs are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the field. The courses cover topics such as parapsychological research methods, psychic experiences, and the history of parapsychology. Students also learn about the theories and concepts that underpin the study of paranormal phenomena.

The course structure may vary depending on the institution offering the program. However, most online parapsychology degree programs include core courses that cover the fundamental concepts of the field, as well as elective courses that allow students to specialize in a particular area of interest.


The duration of an online parapsychology degree program varies depending on the level of study. Bachelor\’s degree programs typically take four years to complete, while master\’s degree programs take two years. Doctoral degree programs may take up to five years to complete.

Online parapsychology degree programs are designed to be flexible, allowing students to study at their own pace. This makes it possible for students to balance their studies with work and other commitments.

In conclusion, an online degree in parapsychology provides students with the opportunity to explore the fascinating field of paranormal phenomena. The courses are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the field, and the flexible nature of online programs makes it possible for students to balance their studies with other commitments.

Accreditation and Recognition

When considering an online degree program in parapsychology, it\’s important to ensure that the program is accredited and recognized by reputable organizations. Accreditation ensures that the program meets certain standards of quality and rigor, while recognition from professional organizations can indicate the program\’s standing in the field.

One accredited and recognized program is the online Master\’s Degree Program in Transpersonal Studies offered by Atlantic University. This program includes courses in parapsychology, such as \”Principles of Parapsychology\” taught by Loyd Auerbach. The program is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and is recognized by the Parapsychological Association.

Another option is Bircham International University\’s Bachelor\’s Degree in Parapsychology, which is offered via distance learning. This program is accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges, and Universities (ASIC) and is recognized by the International Association of Distance Learning (IADL).

In addition to accreditation and recognition, it\’s important to consider the faculty and resources available to students in the program. Look for programs with experienced and knowledgeable faculty members who have expertise in parapsychology and related fields. It may also be helpful to research the program\’s resources, such as access to online libraries and databases, as well as opportunities for research and networking with other professionals in the field.

Overall, accreditation and recognition are important factors to consider when choosing an online degree program in parapsychology. By selecting a program that meets these standards, students can be confident that they are receiving a quality education and will be well-prepared for careers in the field.

Career Prospects

Individuals with a degree in parapsychology have a range of career options available to them. Here are a few potential career paths:


Parapsychologists are researchers who study paranormal phenomena such as telepathy, precognition, and psychokinesis. They investigate these phenomena using scientific methods and report their findings in academic journals. Parapsychologists may work for universities, research institutions, or government agencies. According to the Parapsychological Association, there are a limited number of job opportunities available in the field of parapsychology, but those with advanced degrees and research experience may be able to secure positions as researchers or educators.


Individuals with a degree in parapsychology may also find work as researchers in related fields such as psychology, neuroscience, or anthropology. They may study topics such as consciousness, altered states of consciousness, or the relationship between mind and body. Researchers may work for universities, research institutions, or private companies.


Some individuals with a degree in parapsychology may choose to work as consultants, providing advice and guidance to individuals or organizations on paranormal phenomena. They may work with individuals who have experienced paranormal events or with businesses that are interested in exploring the potential applications of parapsychology. Consultants may work independently or as part of a larger consulting firm.

Overall, the job prospects for individuals with a degree in parapsychology are limited, but those with advanced degrees and research experience may be able to secure positions as researchers or educators. Individuals with a parapsychology degree may also find work in related fields such as psychology, neuroscience, or anthropology. Some may choose to work as consultants, providing advice and guidance on paranormal phenomena.

Admission Process

To pursue a degree in parapsychology online, candidates must first meet the admission requirements set by the institution offering the program. The admission process may vary depending on the university, but most institutions require the following:

Bachelor\’s Degree

To apply for a master\’s or doctoral program in parapsychology, candidates must have a bachelor\’s degree in psychology or a related field. Some universities may consider candidates from other disciplines, but they may be required to take additional courses to meet the program\’s prerequisites.


Candidates must submit official transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended. The transcripts should show the candidate\’s academic performance, including grades and courses taken. Some universities may require a minimum grade point average (GPA) for admission.

Letters of Recommendation

Most universities require candidates to submit letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can attest to the candidate\’s academic abilities and potential for success in the program.

Personal Statement

Candidates must submit a personal statement explaining their interest in parapsychology and their goals for pursuing a degree in the field. The personal statement should also highlight the candidate\’s academic achievements, research experience, and other relevant experiences.

Standardized Tests

Some universities may require candidates to submit scores from standardized tests such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT).

Once the candidate has submitted all required documents, the admissions committee will review the application and make a decision on whether to accept the candidate into the program. If accepted, the candidate will be notified of their admission and given instructions on how to enroll in the program.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Attending an online parapsychology degree program can be a cost-effective way to earn a degree while maintaining personal and professional commitments. However, the cost of tuition can still be a significant financial burden for many students.

The tuition fees for online parapsychology degree programs vary depending on the institution and the type of degree program. For example, Bircham International University offers a Parapsychology Diploma program for €1.050 ($1,350) and a Bachelor\’s degree program for €3.510 ($4,510). Atlantic University offers an online and distance education accredited Master\’s Degree Program in Transpersonal Studies that includes courses relevant to parapsychology for $695 per credit hour.

Fortunately, financial aid options are available to help students pay for their online parapsychology degree programs. Students should research available awards by visiting their schools\’ financial aid office or reading up on their financial aid page online. Many universities offer scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial aid to help students offset the cost of tuition.

In addition, students who graduate with a bachelor\’s degree in psychology may use any leftover tuition credits to cover a master\’s degree as well. Veterans may also use their tuition benefits at accredited institutions to pay for their online parapsychology degree programs.

Overall, the cost of tuition for online parapsychology degree programs can be manageable with the help of financial aid options. Students should research the available options and apply for as many scholarships and grants as possible to minimize their out-of-pocket expenses.

Student Support

When pursuing a parapsychology degree online, students may have concerns about the level of support they will receive. However, many online programs offer a variety of resources to help students succeed.

One of the most important resources for online students is access to a dedicated academic advisor. This individual can help students navigate the program, select courses, and provide guidance on academic and career goals. Advisors can also help students identify and address any academic or personal challenges they may encounter during their studies.

Online parapsychology programs may also offer virtual tutoring or writing centers to help students improve their academic skills. These resources can be particularly helpful for students who may be new to online learning or who need additional support in certain subject areas.

In addition to academic support, many online programs offer career services to help students prepare for life after graduation. These services may include resume and cover letter assistance, job search strategies, and networking opportunities with alumni and other professionals in the field.

Overall, students pursuing a parapsychology degree online can expect to receive a high level of support from their program. With access to academic advisors, tutoring, and career services, students can feel confident in their ability to succeed in their studies and beyond.


In conclusion, pursuing a degree in parapsychology online can be a great option for those interested in the field. Online programs offer flexibility and convenience, allowing students to balance their studies with work and other commitments.

It is important to carefully research and choose a reputable online program that is accredited and offers courses taught by experienced professors in the field. The Parapsychological Association and Bircham International University are two examples of institutions offering online parapsychology degree programs.

While parapsychology is a controversial field, with many skeptics and critics, it continues to generate interest and research. Graduates of parapsychology degree programs can go on to careers in academia, research, or even in the entertainment industry as consultants or advisors.

Overall, a degree in parapsychology can provide a unique and fascinating education, and an online program can make it accessible to a wider range of students.

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